Stimulate your VITALITY',
listen to your own DEEP WISDOM
for a better QUALITY of LIFE at any level!!!
for a better QUALITY of LIFE at any level!!!
Natural Experiences and Paths for Holistic Wellbeing
Vitality and Bodymind Awareness oriented
Samuel Capecchi
Water-land Sentient Bodymind Worker
and Creativity Facilitator.
and Creativity Facilitator.
"Confess your passion, your secret fear.
Prepare to meet the challenge of the new frontier."
Donald Fagen
"If you don't see God in all, you don't see God at all."
Yogi quote
Samuel Capecchi
Water-Land and Subaquatic Sentient Bodymind Worker
& Creativity Facilitator .
& Creativity Facilitator .
Since 2000 professional Shiatsu practitioner, certificated by Accademia Italiana Shiatsu Do,
since 2007 Watsu Practitioner certificated by WABA (Worldwide Aquatic and Bodywork Association),
since 2009 JinShinDo Bodymind Acupressure® Practitioner
certificated by International JinShinDo® Foundation,
and Process Work free researcher
since 2007 Watsu Practitioner certificated by WABA (Worldwide Aquatic and Bodywork Association),
since 2009 JinShinDo Bodymind Acupressure® Practitioner
certificated by International JinShinDo® Foundation,
and Process Work free researcher
at RSPOPUK - Research Society for Process Oriented Psychology of London;
associated with AIPJ (Associazione Professionisti JinShinDo® ), with APOS e DBN (Associazione Professionale Operatori Shiatsu e Discipline BioNaturali),
associated with AIWaBa (Associazione Italiana Watsu and Bodywork acquatico),
associated with AIWaBa (Associazione Italiana Watsu and Bodywork acquatico),
creator and facilitator of Shin Contact and Process Dao Yoga,
Forte dei Marmi
in private studio, at your home, in the nature, in your yacht, in Tuscany, Italy and abroad.
in private studio, at your home, in the nature, in your yacht, in Tuscany, Italy and abroad.
Everywhere via Skype!
on land and in the water of
JinShinDo Bodymind Acupressure®
Shiatsu & Watsu
Contact Stretching
Process Dao Yoga
All the techniques described below can be lived both as pleasant and relaxing occasional experiences, as well as useful, exciting tool to regain and preserve a dynamic condition of wellness at any level, always in an holistic growth's perspective, toward a wider comprehension of our Multi-dimensional deepest nature and Communication with
Who We Truly Are.
Who We Truly Are.
JIN SHIN DO Bodymind Acupressure ® :
(some excerpts are from and
What is Jin Shin Do® AcupressureTM ?
"Nagging" pain, "controlled" tension, "pentup" frustration, "repressed" emotions - we may spend so much time resisting "negative" feelings that we become afraid of feeling at all. Now there is a simple, gentle technique - " Jin Shin Do® " - that offers a practical way of dealing with daily stress. Because it addresses both physical and emotional tension and pain, this "Bodymind Acupressure®" technique is rapidly gaining acceptance around the world.
Best of all, it helps one learn to transform, rather than repress, painful feelings - leading
to a more joyful way of life and the realization of one's full potential.
"Nagging" pain, "controlled" tension, "pentup" frustration, "repressed" emotions - we may spend so much time resisting "negative" feelings that we become afraid of feeling at all. Now there is a simple, gentle technique - " Jin Shin Do® " - that offers a practical way of dealing with daily stress. Because it addresses both physical and emotional tension and pain, this "Bodymind Acupressure®" technique is rapidly gaining acceptance around the world.
Best of all, it helps one learn to transform, rather than repress, painful feelings - leading
to a more joyful way of life and the realization of one's full potential.
- Jin Shin Do® Bodymind Acupressure uses gentle yet deep finger pressure on specific acu-points together with verbal Body Focusing techniques to help release “armoring” or chronic tension and balance the “Qi” or energy.
- "Jin Shin Do" means "The Way of the Compassionate Spirit." It helps relieve stress and trauma related problems.
- Recognized as a major form of Oriental bodywork therapy, Jin Shin Do® is a unique synthesis of a traditional Japanese acupressure technique, classic Chinese acupressure theory, Taoist philosophy, Qi Gong (chinese breathing techniques), Reichian segmental theory and principles of Ericksonian psychotherapy, and Mindell's Process Work (or Process Oriented Psychology).
- Developed by psychotherapist Iona Marsaa Teeguarden, Jin Shin Do® Bodymind Acupressure promotes a pleasant trancelike state, in which you can relax and move out of the head and into the body, accessing feelings and inner wisdom.
What does it offer?
Jin Shin Do® Acupressure offers a practical way of dealing with physical and emotional stress. You can experience relief from physical pain and the release of pent up emotion. Usually you will feel a deep sense of relaxation calm and well-being. Gradually you can learn how to accept your feelings and experience an enriched quality of life.
Created by the american psychotherapist Iona Marsaa Teeguarden, Jin Shin Do ® synthesizes extraordinarily the knowledge of the ancient oriental arts and philosophies like Taoism and Traditional Chinese Medicine, Qigong breath exercises and japanese acupressure, with the western knowledges in psychologic field like the Body Focusing by Eugene Gendlin, Ericksonian communication techniques, elements of Bioenergetics by Wilhelm Reich and of Process Work by Arnold Mindell.
During the a one hour session, during which you lay on a massage bed, you can enter several times in a pleasant state of deep or meditative relaxation which allows you to contact and know your own inner world (feelings, sensations, thoughts, images, sounds,…). having the possibility to transform instead of repress states of discomfort, and become aware of your own potentiality and inner resources.
During the a one hour session, during which you lay on a massage bed, you can enter several times in a pleasant state of deep or meditative relaxation which allows you to contact and know your own inner world (feelings, sensations, thoughts, images, sounds,…). having the possibility to transform instead of repress states of discomfort, and become aware of your own potentiality and inner resources.
The appropriate, delicate, lengthened and deep finger pressures allow the entrance into a state of bigger self-listening and the consequent release of tensions, old mental patterns and "armors" both physical and emotional.
Jin Shin Do helps you get together with the totality of your being, renovating the aware perception of the Self and of the body. Thanks to the expert guidance of the practitioner, it offers the possibility to solve your emotional knots, even ancient, and to give voice to those side of yourself until now remained in the shadow, to feel free to evolve, to improve your self-esteem. to regain lightness and vitality, to express your own abilities in individual and relationship life.
For all, adults and children.
Length: almost an hour.
- Jin Shin Do® Acupressure is not intended for the diagnosis, treatment or cure of disease. It is a relaxation therapy, and a useful adjunct to licensed, qualified medical or psychological care. For any persistent pain or symptom, even a seemingly minor one, the reader is strongly encouraged to consult a medical doctor. When used in conjunction with standard medical treatment, the Jin Shin Do Acupressure technique can assist the healing process by releasing tension, decreasing stress and encouraging a sense of increased well-being.
Usually it is practiced on land on a comfortable futon. It acts principally through an enjoyable stretching of energetic meridians, joints mobilizations and gentle, relaxed pressures brought with palms and thumbs on vital points, while treating the totality of the body. It tones up and relaxes in a quite natural way, harmonizing body, mind and spirit, restoring wellness, flexibility, serenity and lightness. For all of us.
Length: 50 minutes
For all of us, adults and children.
Length: 50 minutes
WATSU (Water-Shiatsu),
Eyes closed, merged ears, all the body surrounded and suspended in a warm, welcoming, seducing liquid environment.
Your start dancing unexpectedly with your natural breath.
Outer environment stimulations reduced almost to zero. Silence. Warmth. An unusual, deep lightness catches and surprises you. Your body is sweetly sustained, cradled, fluctuated and stretched under the surface of the 34-35 degrees heated water and driven through a continuous and harmonic flux of movements, rotations and twirls alternated with quiet moments, acupressures and mobilization of joints.
Body and mind open to surprising state of consciousness, extraordinary feelings, exciting self-listening and profound vital recharge.
Ideal for awakening vital parts of one's self and self-perceive deeply in one's own wholeness, thanks to the fluid, nourishing and releasing modality peculiar of this liquid and warm dimension.
Simply a blessing...for everyone, giver and receivers.

Your start dancing unexpectedly with your natural breath.
Outer environment stimulations reduced almost to zero. Silence. Warmth. An unusual, deep lightness catches and surprises you. Your body is sweetly sustained, cradled, fluctuated and stretched under the surface of the 34-35 degrees heated water and driven through a continuous and harmonic flux of movements, rotations and twirls alternated with quiet moments, acupressures and mobilization of joints.
Body and mind open to surprising state of consciousness, extraordinary feelings, exciting self-listening and profound vital recharge.
Ideal for awakening vital parts of one's self and self-perceive deeply in one's own wholeness, thanks to the fluid, nourishing and releasing modality peculiar of this liquid and warm dimension.

Created in the '80s by Harold Dull, californian poet and creative bodyworker, and today spread almost all over the world, Watsu reunites the benefits of relaxation, soft and deep stretching, passive dance, Shiatsu in warm water and creative interactivity between giver and receiver. And overall of a communication from heart to heart.
Applied a little snorter, your body slowly goes down underwater, it knows first the liquid flight under the surface, than gradually explores different depths and speeds and directions by going through circular fluid movements in a continuous dance-like space-evolution. Any immersion is followed by a new emersion to which you feel accompanied and take breath again effortlessly...and you smile like a baby. It's a smile of pleasure. And of wonder. By merging underwater, you merge into yourself, in your own mystery and in the marvel of your "real matter", your own wholeness and beauty, in the trustful, joyful feeling of being alive! Ideal to open the doors of mind and heart to our innate multi-dimensionality and let yourself meet your soul in the fun. What I call Jin ShuiDao is my personal adaptation of Jin Shin Do® Bodymind Acupressures to Watsu technique and aquatic bodymind work: this allows the receiver to reach a deeper relaxation and a more lucid state of consciousness while processing her or his emotional journey, by merging her or him into the experience of the so called extraordinary-curious-marvelous meridians, considered by Traditional Chinese Medicine to be capable to communicate with our deepest ancestral energies, closer to our quantum essence. Ilahinoor Water training is another adaptation of mine, with which I practice the basic meditative bodymind work sequence elaborated by Kiara Windrider to call upon us and experiment this vibrational field, "Ilahinur", which means ‘Divine Light’ in Turkish. It is a cosmic evolutionary energy whose purpose is to awaken humanity to our highest potential.
A pleasent and surprising experience expecially for those who are afraid of water!
For all of us, adults and children.
Length: about an hour.
spiritualizing the matter, materializing the spirit of the divine Self
spiritualizing the matter, materializing the spirit of the divine Self

That responds to a fundamental and unconscious evolutionary intention or - to say it with Mindell - to an organizing, intelligent and palpable "force field" present behind all our individual and collective events, human and environmental processes.
This intelligent force or organizing principle has been called in many ways: God, Tao, Matrix Divina, Great Spirit, Dreaming,
Processmind, but even in more joking ways, like the Big Wow! or E.C.C.O.(Earth Coincidences Control Office), depending on the cultures or the styles.
Shin Contact therefore treasures oriental experience and shamanistic traditions, integrating them with the most recent scientific discoveries, and the fundamentals of Process Oriented Psychology and Quantum Physics.
It avails itself of a wide-spectrum theoretical-practical repertory that fluidly goes from physical to bioenergetic, to magnetic bodywork (Shiatsu, aquatic and underwater Bodymind Work, Jin Shin Do®, Quantum Shiatsu...), to working with more subtle and extraordinary aspects of our consciousness (Process Work, Dreambody Work, Lightbody Work, Channelling techniques...), to the work in connection with "other" and more elevated energies, with the goal of stimulating the gratifying self-perception in its own multi-dimensional integrity.

Shin Contact therefore treasures oriental experience and shamanistic traditions, integrating them with the most recent scientific discoveries, and the fundamentals of Process Oriented Psychology and Quantum Physics.
It avails itself of a wide-spectrum theoretical-practical repertory that fluidly goes from physical to bioenergetic, to magnetic bodywork (Shiatsu, aquatic and underwater Bodymind Work, Jin Shin Do®, Quantum Shiatsu...), to working with more subtle and extraordinary aspects of our consciousness (Process Work, Dreambody Work, Lightbody Work, Channelling techniques...), to the work in connection with "other" and more elevated energies, with the goal of stimulating the gratifying self-perception in its own multi-dimensional integrity.
As in Jin Shin Do®, you find the freedom of sharing verbally your own emerging sensations, thoughts, emotions and feelings from the expressive and deeply creative process, the pleasure of being facilitated in appreciating, solving and transforming the problematic emotional contents and their energy stagnant in the depth. You will learn from your deepest Self how to deal with your personal material and spiritual evolution even out of the protected space of the session, when facing your everyday life. And in case of need, you can also find a remote supporting communication with your facilitator.
The lucid trance induced by your breathed "Body Focusing" and by the soft and lengthened acupressures, the physical and vocal, respectful and not-judging support of your facilitator, his/her own free will of relate au pair with you and "being a channel" for the the creative expression of both, or an "anchor" for your etheric flight, make of Shin Contact an extraordinary tool:
- to explore the "deep reality" and the "hidden power" of our personal experiences;
- to bring the unconscious to the light of consciousness, and know better the "game" of our ordinary minds while playing their unconscious roles, by giving voice compassionately to the most needy parts of ourselves;
- to expand our limited traditional conception of body, mind, me, you, us, the "other", dream and reality, and gain a new functional and joyful perspective of life;
- to develop a bigger consciousness of our perceptive, expressive, transformative and evolutionary "channels";
- to develop a "field awareness" to regenerate and take care of ourselves, of the other, and of the environment, at any moment we wish to do it and whatever the tools at our disposal could be;
- to awaken and explore our Creative Imagination, our Sentient Awareness, our Human Potential, our divine nature of multi-dimensional beings;
- to master more deeply the Sense and to understand both the Earth's and the Cosmic Message of the Water and of the Light for our life;
- to become more conscious of the Power of Love and our own Light.
Shin Contact relaxes and tones up in a quite natural way, favors a better blood, lymphatic, energetic, emotional and thoughts circulation, helps the body regain its natural Profound Well-being characterized by lightness and elasticity, mental clarity and benevolent detachment, hopeful spirit, serene self-irony, an open-hearted capacity to relate and a sense of harmony with the environment.
Shin Contact helps us in discovering the existence and the deep meaning of chronic and acute body symptoms and relationship difficulties, the hidden sense of extraordinary events and of " meaningful coincidences". It emphasizes the creative and self-healing power of the body, elevating our grade of vitality and self-awareness.
Shin Contact teaches us how to recognize, manage and learn from our Deep Calls, our limits and our resistances to change. It stimulates a responsible and comprehensive attitude, useful to appreciate our real capacities and let go our fears and narrow-mindedness, whereas life asks us to suspend our judgement in order to follow our heart.
Shin Contact opens us to the sense of brotherhood, of compassionate interconnection with all the other beings, since it merges us in the free flow of the inspiration of the moment. It allows us to be more "present" here and now, and elevate us to the perception of a "continuous and trans-dimensional present".
As a "practice of awareness" Shin Contact makes you work with and sharpen our own senses and our personal and collective "light spirit", it invites you to dialogue and interacts with it by asking questions and receiving its answers in the form of unexpected intuitions, sensations, emotions or visualizations, or even external events. The development of our subtlest perceptions and the expansion of our ordinary life perspective is the necessary training to gain the capacity of an "advance discerning" or precognition, already common among several indigenous cultures more in contact with the spirit of Mother Earth ( australian Aboriginals, Hopi american indians, and others).
"These are the new tools of the New Humanity" (Kryon)
As an energetic bodymind technique, even Shin Contact has the power to awaken the natural self-healing capacities innate in each individual and connected with the gradual and general improvement of the vitality at any level.
One of the most exciting and nourishing emotions is perceiving yourself inspired co-creators of one's and other's inner and outer growth, feeling deep gratitude for what we have and what we can share, and for all that permitted and permits even right now to carry on through our material and spiritual path and to become more and more who we really are. Shin Contact opens us to the sense of brotherhood, of compassionate interconnection with all the other beings, since it merges us in the free flow of the inspiration of the moment. It allows us to be more "present" here and now, and elevate us to the perception of a "continuous and trans-dimensional present".
As a "practice of awareness" Shin Contact makes you work with and sharpen our own senses and our personal and collective "light spirit", it invites you to dialogue and interacts with it by asking questions and receiving its answers in the form of unexpected intuitions, sensations, emotions or visualizations, or even external events. The development of our subtlest perceptions and the expansion of our ordinary life perspective is the necessary training to gain the capacity of an "advance discerning" or precognition, already common among several indigenous cultures more in contact with the spirit of Mother Earth ( australian Aboriginals, Hopi american indians, and others).
"These are the new tools of the New Humanity" (Kryon)
As an energetic bodymind technique, even Shin Contact has the power to awaken the natural self-healing capacities innate in each individual and connected with the gradual and general improvement of the vitality at any level.
This miraculous feeling, overall, heals well as it makes our fortune.
You can practice and receive Shin Contact comfortably either on Land, in Heated Water, and at the open air in the Nature.
Length: around an hour.
Process Oriented Bodymind Work long distance guided sessions and lessons also via Skype!
Shin Contact is an holistic, multi-dimensional, evolutionary, process oriented awareness practice.Length: around an hour.
Process Oriented Bodymind Work long distance guided sessions and lessons also via Skype!
All the holistic practices here presented facilitate our process of awareness, growth, natural self-healing and ascension to superior frequencies of the near evolutionary quantum leap, toward a new planetary consciousness and multi-dimensionality.
What does it mean?
For me, it means to act in contact with something inspiring me time after time and connecting with the personal, collective and transpersonal field we are merged, moment by moment, feeling how this force or intelligent and creative energy acts through me and you, and manifests itself continuously inside and outside each of us, through us and the environment surrounding us, through the "blow" that mysteriously and miraculously permeates and animates us and all life incessantly.
You can catch it in the intuition of the instant and experience it directly in the relaxed, lucid, open-hearted listening to yourself and "the other You"; in the expressive spontaneity of the Free Flow, the free stream of empathic consciousness which is perceivable when the mind slows down, affords to have no idea of what is going to happen, makes itself "empty" of expectations and judgments. When our mind abandons its battle-field and becomes open and receptive, it sets the heart free to open and welcome the intuition of the moment. Then the body feels free to follow it, amplify it and play with whatever comes out. From a certain point of view, I think it is the art of co-creating the possibility of an integral fun, however it goes.
The mind which takes consciousness of this deep call and let itself be guided, is simultaneously personal and transpersonal, individual and universal. It intensifies its own "presence" in the reality, becoming co-creator of space-time, and of the sense as it was a free vessel, or "channel".
Not always you are able to make yourself a "free channel" for the others or for yourself so that you can receive the enlightenment. But the one of feeling perfect as imperfect as we are, and of being grateful for that so abundant little that we have at our disposal at any moment, still remains however an art that is always possible to cultivate. And it helps so much! That's probably the other side, the hidden alternative version of our good fortune.
With this everyday practice I want to express my gratitude for all those experiences that nourished and enriched me and my work on land, in the water, in the nature and in the walk I've been enterprising maybe since a longer time than I could imagine: from Shiatsu with the instructors of the Accademia Italiana Shiatsu Do and with Mario Vatrini, with whom my visible adventure of energetic bodymind worker begins in 1997, to Watsu and Tantsu (Tantra-Shiatsu, created with Watsu by Harold Dull and still evolving
even thanks to the rich experience and creativity of Fabrizio Dalle Piane and Ateeka, and others) with my teacher and friend Linda De Lehman, to Waterdance and Quantum Light Breath with Richard Boch, to Sensitive Dance by Claude Coldy, to Quantum Shiatsu with Pauline Sasaki, Patrizia Stefanini and Cliff Andrews, to JinShinDo® by Iona Marsha Teeguarden, studied with the italian authorized senior teacher Pierluigi Duina, to Ai Chi with Jun Konno, to Process Work & Deep Democracy (Process Oriented Psychology) with Arnold and Amy Mindell, Arleene and Jean Claude Audergon and collegues, to Channelling techniques for connecting and communicating with higher multi-dimensional energies, and Lightbody Work in course of learning with Angelo Picco Barillari (channeler of Kryon in Italy) and with Kiara Windrider's Ilahinoor Training.
Thanks even to all the people with whom I shared my journey of personal and professional growth (special thanks to Giovanni "Giò" Baccarani, colleague and friend, who has been sharing with me his own studio in Milan since 2003), and particularly all those who, either in the joy and in the unease, co-created and shared with me so meaningful and transformative experiences, contributing to my progressive unceasing learning of what it means to be lucid, compassionate, self-ironic, in order to be there and love.
Here below, some of the perceptions and effects referred by many after one or more sessions with the techniques above descripted:
- a state of deep Relaxation and extra-ordinary Self-listening
- an increasing Vitality and renewed Enthusiasm
- more "Sense" and Relief to Pain and Sorrow
- a sense of Increased Strenght associated to a pleasent general Body Warmth
- a major body-mind Endurance and Elasticity
- loosening of the grip of Tension, Anxiety and a meaningful improvement of Depressive States
- a more steady Emotional and Psychic Balance
- helpful with the most common everyday body-mind tensions and energy alterations
- a more efficient Metabolism
- better Digestion, Intestinal Processes and Blood Circulation
- facilitation for a good functioning of the Lymphatic, Endocrine and Nervous Systems
- facilitation in rebalancing the Menstrual Cycle, and all Vital Cycles in general
- a stronger Locomotive Apparatus and a better Posture
- favor to the good functioning of the Genital Apparatus and Sexual Tone
- help recovering from sportive injuries or of other kind
- harmony of Body, Mind and Spirit, thanks to more Lightness, Lucidity and Serenity
- elevation of Self-Awareness
- facilitation in expressing and living your own innate Creativity and Multi-dimensionality
- facilitation in Relating with the forgotten or ignored parts of one's self and with the others
- general rebalance and wellbeing during Pregnancy and After-Pregnancy
- a valid facilitation to becoming Who I Really Am!
SHIATSU, JIN SHIN DO® , WATSU & WATERDANCE and SHIN CONTACT are NOT diagnostic or therapeutic techniques for what traditional medicine calls pathologies. Yet they are valid ways to relaxation, to vital regeneration and rebalance of the correct flow of our vital energy (Qi). For any persisting pain or symptom, even if apparently small, please consult your doctor. When used in conjunctionwith the standard medical treatments they can assist the healing process by releasing tension, decreasing stress and encouraging a sense of increased well-being.
Aquatic Tai Chi Quan
from the book "Ai Chi" by Jun Konno and Italo Bertolasi
"The inspiration to create Ai Chi was born by observing the pleasure felt by japanese people while performing with precision physical exercises like Tai Chi Quan, together with the Art of the Energetic Breath. Eastern people don't love so much excessive dynamism and the energetic use of the force. Rather they prefer more meditative practices in which you move slowly and with more awareness. Ai Chi (from the japanese Ai=heart, love and Chi=energy, vital blow) originally was thought by Jun Konno, ex-olympic swimming coach and Watsu teacher, in order to make approaching to the closeness of Watsu more gradual. Today Ai Chi has been developed as an autonomous form of aquatic Tai Chi that has been practiced by thousands of japanese people.
Studies by Tsukuba and Tokai Universities - in Japan - stated its value: during the practice of Ai Chi the oxygen consumption grows of 4-7%. Ai Chi movements are a " breathing gym" that tonis up the oxygen flow to the brain, reducing therefore depressive states and preventing degenerative diseases like Alzheimer's.
The slowness of the practice, the circular aquatic movements are of extreme benefit to the body and to the mind, and after a good practice you'll feel recharged.
In fact, Ai Chi can offer those states of serenity and harmony that you usually experience when you meditate and you feel more serene and in peace. "
For all, adults and children.
Length: 50 minutes
Body-Dreaming in Heated Water
Shui-Dao (from the Chinese Shui=Water and Dao= Way, Path leading to the Spirit,Sense)
"What does the fish know about the water in which it swims all life long?"
Albert Einstein
means The Way of the Water or The way of Fluids.
Dreaming refers to the mental activity typical of Lucid Dream which in many cultures (Hopi, australian Aboriginal , Toltec, Zen Buddhist and Tibetan...) is not considered an exclusively night experience, rather a natural extension of our nature, thus becoming a "dreaming while awake" or an "awakening in the dream" of reality.
Together to the basic practices of the aquatic and underwater Sentient Bodymind Work, of Ai Chi (aquatic Tai Chi Quan), of Dao Yin (ancient chinese energetic gym and technique of self-stimulation of the energetic meridian and vital points) and of breathing techniques, like Water Breath Dance (in which your relaxed body merged in the water is moved by the flow of your aware breath, as Watsu teaches ) you add guided experiences oriented to perceptive processes meditation and to make acquaintance of the spontaneous wisdom of one's own "body", both in individual sense and in the collective-systemic sense.
Depending on the number of the practitioners and on the spirit of the moment, you can alternate individual works with couple or group meditative, playful and recreational works, still oriented to the practice of awareness in taking care of self and the other.
In this way, you can favor a better quality of life at any level, even and overall thanks to the importance given equally to each participant as much as to the whole "circle" of participants.
Furthermore, we intend to live, know and appreciate the Water , and even the Light, of course, as the two very precious and essential, amazing and miraculous vital elements - without which life could not exist here on Earth - both from a physical and from an emotional, psycho-symbolic, energetic and spiritual point of view.
You will be provided interesting informations about them, coming from the wisdom of thousand-year traditions and the most recent scientific avant-gard researches, still unknown to many.
The works dedicated both to adults and children are thought to improve listening and sustaining children's creativity, and also to explore the reverse the traditional relationship between children and adults by giving more room to the possibility of learning from the children as a crystal
For all, adults and children.
Length: from 90 to 120 minutes, depending on the program and on the "spirit of the moment".
TWILIGHT explorer
Toward the Borders of Reality...and Beyond
"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.
This is the source of all true art and all science."
This is the source of all true art and all science."
Albert Einstein
The sound of the word Twilight evokes in me the two magic moments of the day: the dawn and the sunset, border regions between light and darkness, and for analogy between known and unknown, consciousness and unconscious, reality and dream, old and new. Scientific evidences and thousand years old and even recent mystic traditions warn us about the coming of strong waves of cosmic radiations stemming from the heart of our galaxy and determinant for the future of our specie and our planet, above all in terms of evolutionary consciousness.
There's no doubt that we are at the beginning of a new age.
We are those "who walk between the worlds", in the Twilight Zone between the old and the New Humanity.
TWILIGHT explorer is a both individual and group experience oriented to share with each other the preparation to this epoch-making change, this Quantum Leap involving all of us, at the best of our possibilities.
Through guided practices of Sentient Bodymind Work, of Lucid Dreamlike States (in which the subject, while in relaxation, keeps an integral or partial state of consciousness), and of the Lightbody Work (working with your own Lightbody and with Morphogenetic Fields) intend to:
- explore the border line between Dream and Consensus Reality (that familiar dimension or comfort-zone, perceived and shared on the basis of the consensus of the mass) which our common sense calls in fact reality;
- recognize Limits, Resistances and Potentialities of our conscious, personal, family and collective perceptive sphere;
- recognize, know better and integrate our Duality, favoring the Self perception both at the level of our primary manifested identity, and of those secondary latent, more or less perturbing identities, and of our Unity and Wholeness - still cultivating a sense of Deep Democracy (A.Mindell) to those parts less heard and more marginalized of our experience.
- develop the Perception and the Consciousness of the psycho-energetic "field" of inner and external environment in which we are merged in the present moment.
- explore the infinite sea of possibilities of amplification, transformation, and healing through our innate Creative and Intuitive capacities;
- open our mind to new relationship, evolutionary perspectives of sustainability and responsible management of our everyday life;
- re-frame and scale down the sense of "gravity" and inadequacy while facing difficulties, by standing back from a situation or problem and seeing the bigger picture; seeing problems in a wider context to find new perspectives and solutions, possibly through a playful and joyful attitude;
- remember, explore, re-consider at the light of a new sight of ensemble those inexplicable phenomenons, those anomalies or strangeness constellating everyone life experience that, though important and meaningful, our rational mind is so clever to fade away from our conscious memory. Yet, that extraordinary experience lies impressed in our cells, and it can be awaken even in slightly altered states of consciousness;
- receive energy and informations from intelligent energy fields, by connecting to them through proper and simple practices, accessible to all;
- experience our innate Multi-dimensionality, the Way of the Least Resistance of the environment in which we live, and the Power of Love and Forgiveness;
- learn to feel and trust our deep "irresistible calls", recognize our Resistances to change, and appreciate the ones and the others, whereas life asks us to follow our heart or integrate extraordinary identities, be them new, ancient and/or parallel dimensions.
- learn to obtain and recognize the concrete effects of Asking, believing and trusting, feeling and expressing Gratitude and let the Universe do the rest, with the help of all those forces encompassing every every human experience's events and guiding us as well...
Yet, the experience of the "extraordinary", the mystery, the wonderful, the sacred, transcendence and of the supermental, as well as of the spiritual presences or of the subtlest energies, has been integral part of the human experience of any epoch and culture, since ever.

Shamanistic traditions, oriental thought and experience, Process Oriented Psychology and Quantum Physics could furnish us the principles and the guidelines to our practices of awareness.
For all, adults and children.
Length: from 90 to 120 minutes, depending on the program and of the "spirit of the moment".
(in the picture: Shasa and the butterfly)
Thanks to Eleonora, Fiamma, Aylwyn, my son Shasa and the little beautiful Lavina for appearing with me in the pictures. And special thanks to Elvira, dear friend and prodigious natural born photographer.
Coming soon:
Channelling in the Water
Channelling with and Learning from the New Children
From Tuesday to Thursday
At your Home (on land, on bed, in jacuzzi pool):
Milan, Center Zone
In Studio:
Il Vaso di Pandora, Via Tartini 31 ( 5 mins walking from MM3 DERGANO)
In Heated Water:
by Miele - via Porro Lambertenghi, 12; Piazzale Lagosta zone
or by Centro Meid-Medical Health Center - Porta Venezia zone.
In Lucca, Tuscany
Piazza San Romano 16 - Lucca
or Ego City Fit Lab - Lucca (LU)
or Ego City Fit Lab - Lucca (LU)
Sessions on land and in Heated Sea/Thermal Water even by:
Hotel Residence Villa Undulna**** Terme della Versilia - Cinquale (MS);
Bagni di Pisa***** - San Giuliano Terme (PI)Studio Fisiolife - Castelfiorentino (FI)
To know more, informations and bookings contact me:
tel. +39 347 1821047
skype: samuel.capecchi
facebook: Samuel Capecchi
facebook: Samuel Capecchi
in quotes:
"Man, know yourself, and you will know all the universe and gods"
inscription on the temple of Delphy's Oracle
"There are at least two kinds of games. One could be called finite, the other infinite.
A finite game is played for the purpose of winning.
An infinite game for the purpose of continuing the game. (...)
Finite players play within baundaries; infinite players play with baundaries."
"There are only two ways of living one's own life: one as nothing was a miracle; the other as everything was a miracle."
Albert Einstein
"The secret is not to live in the familiar. The secret is to live in the mystery."
Fred Alan Wolfe
Fred Alan Wolfe
“The explicative principle will save you from the fear of the unknown; I prefer the unknown, I'm a student of the unpredictable."
John Cunningham Lilly
John Cunningham Lilly
"...because the impossible is a relative concept."
Michio Kaku
"If you can dream it, you can do it"
Walt Disney
"What you fear the most could be your deepest dream trying to come true."
Arny Mindell
“ Our deepest fear is not the one of being inadequate.
Our deepest fear is the one of being powerful beyond measure.
It's our light, not our darkness that scare us. (...)
And as we allow our light to shine,
unconsciously we give other people the permission to do the same.
As soon as we are liberated from our fear,
our presence automatically liberates the others."
Our deepest fear is the one of being powerful beyond measure.
It's our light, not our darkness that scare us. (...)
And as we allow our light to shine,
unconsciously we give other people the permission to do the same.
As soon as we are liberated from our fear,
our presence automatically liberates the others."
Marianne Williamson
"The destiny often waits for us on the road taken to avoid it."
"Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. But today is a gift...
That's why it's called present!"
"Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. But today is a gift...
That's why it's called present!"
Detto Zen, "Kung Fu Panda"
"The only way to come out of there, is to pass through it."
Thomas Hardy
Thomas Hardy
"The universe seconds totally my inner dialogue.
My subconscious accepts as absolute truth whatever I believe in.
Therefore, that I choose to believe about myself and my life will become reality."
My subconscious accepts as absolute truth whatever I believe in.
Therefore, that I choose to believe about myself and my life will become reality."
Louise Hay
"To be loved deeply by someone makes us stronger.
To love profoundly someone makes us courageous."
Lao Tse
To love profoundly someone makes us courageous."
Lao Tse
"If a man goes ahead bravely in the direction of his own dreams, and makes some effort to live the life he imagined, then he 'll meet an unexpected success."
David Thoreau
“The trick is in what one emphasizes. We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves happy. The amount of work is the same.”
Carlos Castaneda
"I love this earth, I love the pleasure, the pain, the fight, the food, the suffering."
Mattew Fox (american priest and theologian, author of Original Blessing: A Primer in Creation Spirituality, 1983)
"Kiss me, stupid!"
Such an amazing experience!
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